The Fariy Who Was Kissed

The Fariy Who Was Kissed

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

June 23, 2013

I know I haven't written in a long, but I've been so busy with my first two semesters of college. I took the summer off and will be starting back in about a month. College has been an interesting experience, but I'm glad I've had my best friend to help me get through it. I've learned quite a bit from college and I can't wait to learn more.

Since the start of the year, a lot has changed. Over spring break in March I got a brand new haircut, and I absolutely love it, and I went up to Nashville for the first time to visit my aunt. I now have a boyfriend of about two and a half months and he is the greatest. In May I went up to Tallahassee to meet his parents and most of his siblings.They were great, I like his family. Also in May, I got a brand new phone: the Galaxy S3,and I love it; it's such an improvement on my old Blackberry. In June my church had a week of VBS (Vacation Bible School) and I helped out in leading the music and teaching the kids the songs; by the end of the week I was utterly exhausted, but I had so much fun. The theme was Kingdom Chronicles, so I got to dress up, and I took full advantage of that.

At the end of the Spring 2013 term, I found out that I made the President's List and made A's in all four of my classes! I can't believe it's been over a year since I graduated high school, boy does time fly!

I've also started playing Candy Crush Saga, and I'm totally addicted, at first I thought the game looked stupid and I told myself that I would never play it, but now I love it and I'm on level 123.

I'm now currently looking for a job, and thus far, it hasn't been successfully, but I hope that will change shortly. By the end of Fall 2014, I hope to have my A.A in English Creative Writing from Seminole State College, and start at UCF in Spring of 2015.

Well, I'm off...later!

My haircut when I first got it done!