The Fariy Who Was Kissed

The Fariy Who Was Kissed

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

June 23, 2013

I know I haven't written in a long, but I've been so busy with my first two semesters of college. I took the summer off and will be starting back in about a month. College has been an interesting experience, but I'm glad I've had my best friend to help me get through it. I've learned quite a bit from college and I can't wait to learn more.

Since the start of the year, a lot has changed. Over spring break in March I got a brand new haircut, and I absolutely love it, and I went up to Nashville for the first time to visit my aunt. I now have a boyfriend of about two and a half months and he is the greatest. In May I went up to Tallahassee to meet his parents and most of his siblings.They were great, I like his family. Also in May, I got a brand new phone: the Galaxy S3,and I love it; it's such an improvement on my old Blackberry. In June my church had a week of VBS (Vacation Bible School) and I helped out in leading the music and teaching the kids the songs; by the end of the week I was utterly exhausted, but I had so much fun. The theme was Kingdom Chronicles, so I got to dress up, and I took full advantage of that.

At the end of the Spring 2013 term, I found out that I made the President's List and made A's in all four of my classes! I can't believe it's been over a year since I graduated high school, boy does time fly!

I've also started playing Candy Crush Saga, and I'm totally addicted, at first I thought the game looked stupid and I told myself that I would never play it, but now I love it and I'm on level 123.

I'm now currently looking for a job, and thus far, it hasn't been successfully, but I hope that will change shortly. By the end of Fall 2014, I hope to have my A.A in English Creative Writing from Seminole State College, and start at UCF in Spring of 2015.

Well, I'm off...later!

My haircut when I first got it done!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Well, I know I haven't written in a long time, but since there is nothing else for me to do, I figured why not. I graduated from WSHS on May 29th and in August I will be a Freshman at SSC. My summer so far hasn't been all that excting, although I did go camping in Anastasia State Park for two days with some people from school and then a week after that I was sick. Last Saturday was my best friend's graduation party and I haven't seen her since because she's sick and I don't know when I'm going to see her again. I'm going crazy! It's one thing not to see her when there is a distance between us, but it's another thing not to be able to see her when she lives right down the street. It's not enought just talking to her on the phone. It's way too hot to do anything outside and I've been trapped in my house for a few days so I'm suffering from cabin fever. I tried to go bike riding today, but it is way too hot, so I had to return home after ten minutes. All I want is to get out of the house for a little while, is that too much to ask? Well, I guess it is.  